Without our amazing volunteers, the ELHS Band Program would not be a success. In order for our program to continue in this success, we need your help! ELHS Band offers many volunteer opportunities for parents and other family members to be involved in our program.
Chaperoning: car washes, football games (home and away), competitions
Concession stand: work in the concession stand during football games or at the Classic
East Lake Classic band competition (held every year in October); East Lake Classic Program / Sponsor: manage sponsorships and create the annual Classic Program
Props: build props that the band uses during marching and winter guard seasons
Special events: Parent Preview, Tag Days, Band Banquet, Spirit Nights, Prism concert, Ice Breaker, and much more
Spirit Wear: manage ELHS Silver Sound spirit wear clothing; help sell spirit wear throughout the school year
Transportation: tow the band’s equipment trailer to and from events (The loaded trailer weighs approximately 7,000 pounds with a tongue weight exceeding 600 pounds. It is equipped with electric brakes and a 7 prong plug. Please review your vehicle's towing guide to ensure its hauling capacity. We have a load leveling hitch available as some adjustment may be necessary.)
Uniforms: organize and oversee the cleaning the marching uniforms; volunteer to wash uniforms during marching season​
Let the Band Boosters know what volunteer opportunities you are interested in. Click this link and fill out the form.
Sign Up Genius
East Lake Band Boosters uses Sign Up Genius for our volunteering opportunities. The events and volunteers needed are listed on our calendar page.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
In order to become a band volunteer, you must complete the Pinellas County Schools volunteer registration form. Information about volunteering in a Pinellas County School is available on the PCS volunteer webpage.
Many of the band program volunteer opportunities do not require that you are a PCS level 2 volunteer. However, being a level 2 volunteer gives you a broader range of volunteer opportunities with the band. Level 2 offers additional security for our students and is required to be a PCS chaperone. For additional details regarding the level 2 volunteer, please review the PCS level 2 volunteer process.
If you need assistance registering to be a PCS volunteer, please contact ELHS Volunteer Coordinator, Natasha Gallaty (gallatyn@pcsb.org or 727.942.5419).
Already a volunteer?
All volunteers must reactivate their Portal volunteer account each year. To do this log into your existing Portal volunteer account using your v.account information.
Login: v.last name and first initial – all lowercase [example login: v.smitha]
Password: Last name (capitalize first letter), followed by your 4-digit birth year [example password: Smith1973]
Tracking Your Volunteer Hours
PCS requests that all volunteers track their volunteer hours. Track your hours with the Volunteer Hours Log through your PCS Portal volunteer account. This form does not need to be completed after each event; you can input your hours daily, weekly, or even monthly.