What is the East Lake Classic? Why is this event so important?
The largest single day event fundraiser is our annual Classic, which is an FMBC regional marching band competition. This fundraiser is a major reason why our fair share fees remain reasonable, and we are able to provide a robust program to our musicians. Every band family should plan to volunteer that day, as well as participate in it’s planning to ensure the Classic’s continued success. We have had the honor of hosting 12+ bands for this half-day event, and have the reputation of running a friendly, well-organized show. We’re also known as “the show with the bake sale,” so don’t be afraid to break out those oven mitts!
Each band pays a nominal fee to enter, but ELBB must cover all of the costs before the actual event day. These costs include printing the event program, judges’ travel costs (if applicable), food and beverage purchases, event volunteer supplies such as T-shirts/lanyards/walkie-talkies/poster board, craft paper, markers, and event supplies such as resource officers, chain, lights, signs, and tickets.
The largest revenue generators at the Classic are the Concession Stand and Ticket Window. To illustrate this, 12 bands with their instructors and chaperones would provide over 1000 people that would need to eat and drink. The musicians’ families and friends will come through the ticket booth to support them, and purchase food/beverages, T-shirts, jewelry, and bake sales items.
We NEED your help!
There are many different types of volunteer positions available. Volunteers are scheduled in shifts, so everyone should be able to find something that will fit in their schedules. Many people can show you how to help, all we need is for you to be willing to learn. Marching band members are working throughout the day also. Each student is assigned a job by the student leadership. Many hands lighten the load, and get things done efficiently!
There is no shortage of jobs to ensure everyone’s safety. We need volunteers in the parking lots, at wristband checkpoints throughout the campus, providing first aid, manning water stations, greeting the bands upon arrival, judge and director hospitality, working in the concession stand, assisting with the bake sale, spirit-wear, band-grams, and much more!
If you can only help with one day this school year, this is the one.
But wait…there’s more!
In addition to the day-of-event volunteer positions, there are many planning positions that need to be filled before the event. Some of these positions include working with sponsors so they can be included in the Classic program, creating the Classic program, working with our on-site vendors (paperwork, electricity, location, etc.), coordinating our judges' accommodations and transportation, seeking donations from local vendors for our judges and directors lounges, and many more. About two months before the Classic, the Boosters start planning the details. Be sure to attend Booster meetings and help where ever you can. This event needs ALL parents/guardians to make it a success.
It is work, but so much fun!
Great friendships have been made working on the Classic. It provides a fantastic way to meet and get to know the parents of the musicians that your child is now spending so much time with. Please take advantage of this incredible opportunity.
Thank you!
East Lake Band Boosters