Mr. Black joined East Lake High School as Director of Bands in 2018. He directs the ELHS Wind, Concert, Jazz, and Percussion Ensembles. He also teaches AP Music Theory and Music Technology. Under the direction of Mr. Black, the East Lake Silver Sound experienced significant growth in membership, doubling in size in two years.
Prior to his appointment at East Lake, Black served as Director of Bands and Orchestra at Dunedin High School for eight years. At Dunedin High School, his responsibilities included directing the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Scottish Highlander Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, Chamber (Full) Orchestra, Percussion Ensembles, and also served as Department Chair. Additionally, Black taught Advanced Placement Music Theory. He has served as both District Secretary and District Chairman for the Florida Bandmasters Association. In 2013, he was honored by the Pinellas Classroom Teachers Association as the recipient of the Kraf-Custer Outstanding Educator Award, and has been nominated twice for the Pinellas County Secondary Music Educator of the Year Award.
A Pinellas County native, Black graduated summa cum laude with his Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from the University of South Florida with Honors College distinction. While at USF, Black served as Drum Major of the 300+ member Herd of Thunder Marching Band for two years. He studied clarinet performance under Professor J. Brian Moorhead, principal (solo) clarinet with the Florida Orchestra. He also studied conducting under Dr. Michael Robinson and Dr. William Wiedrich. Additionally, Black served as Festival Coordinator for the 2008 USF Festival of Winds, Opus 34.
Under Black’s direction, the Instrumental Music Program at Dunedin High School experienced numerous achievements. All of the ensembles at DHS consistently earned Superior ratings, and the size of the program steadily increased. In 2012, the Instrumental Music program travelled to Washington D.C. in 2012 for the Spirit of America Music Festival and earned the title of Overall Festival Champion. During the 2012-2013 school year, the band was invited to Disney on two separate occasions: In December 2012 for the nationally televised Disney Parks Christmas Parade, and in May 2013 to perform for Disney's 'Coronation' of Merida. In 2014, the Wind Ensemble earned its first Superior rating at the FBA State Band MPA. Also in 2014, the band traveled to Stirling, Scotland, to perform in festivities for the 700th anniversary of the historic Battle of Bannockburn, including performances at Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.
Black is a member of NAfME, FMEA, FBA, FOA, Pi Kappa Lambda, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. He resides in Tarpon Springs with his wife, Shannon, and two cats, Mina and Migo. “I am excited to join the faculty at East Lake,” said Black.
“At the core of what I value are people and music. I believe in cultivating strong relationships and growing through meaningful experiences – all while creating exciting artistic and musical opportunities. It will be a humbling honor to share these values with the students and faculty of East Lake High School.”
Pam Bert has been Mr. Black's assistant since 2010. Her daughter was in band at Dunedin High School and Ms. Bert was an active volunteer. Mr. Black soon realized that Ms. Bert was a valuable member of the band.

Teaching Intern
Fall 2020
details coming soon

Jacob Fox
bio coming soon

Color Guard
to be announced

Alex Guini
Alex has been with East Lake Silver Sound since 2019. He is a graduate of Countryside High School where he was drum major. Alex earned his B.F.A. in Music Performance from the University of South Florida.

Program Coordinator and Percussion Arrangement
Hunter Welch
bio coming soon

Kaitlyn Klingberg
Kaitlyn is our woodwind tech. She has been with East Lake Silver Sound since 2019. Ms. Klingberg graduated from Florida State University with her degree in Instrumental Music Education. She is currently the Director of Bands at Carwise Middle School.